
Does My Pet Have An Allergy?

As much as we want to, sometimes it’s difficult to understand what is going on with our pets. They function differently than we do, even with conditions like allergies. Although similar factors set off animal allergies, pets don’t react the same way as humans — for instance, you might be wondering, “why is my dog itching?”

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Alternatives To Declawing Cats

Declawing a cat is a procedure, also known as an onychectomy, which permanently removes the cat’s claws and part of the bones in the toes as well. Most animal experts strongly advise against the process, and some municipalities have even banned declawing.

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How To Keep Your Pets Safe During The Holidays

The holiday season can be the most wonderful time of year, but it can also present a dangerous atmosphere for dogs, cats and other household pets. It’s easy to forget about the small hazards posed to your four-legged friends in the midst of decorating, cooking and entertaining.

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