
Healthy Minds, Happy Pets: The Benefits of Pet Enrichment

Healthy Minds, Happy Pets: The Benefits of Pet Enrichment


In the hustle and bustle of pet parenthood, it’s easy to focus on the basics: food, shelter, and physical health. However, one crucial aspect of pet care often goes overlooked — mental health and enrichment. Like humans, our furry companions have complex emotional needs requiring attention and care. As veterinarians, we’ve witn...

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What You Need to Be Prepared for As a Bird Owner

What You Need to Be Prepared for As a Bird Owner


Welcoming a feathered friend into your home is an exciting adventure, but it also comes with significant responsibilities. Birds are intelligent, social creatures that require dedicated care and attention. Whether you’re considering getting your first bird or you’re an experienced owner looking to brush up on best practices...

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Hop Into Rabbit Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Bunny Owners

Hop Into Rabbit Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Bunny Owners


There’s nothing quite as heartwarming as watching a little bunny hop around or hearing the soft purr of a content rabbit nestled in your arms. Rabbits can make wonderful companions for the right family, but it’s important to remember that their care is quite different from that of a cat, even if they can be trained to use a litt...

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Discovering Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Discovering Heartworm Disease in Dogs


Heartworm. It's more than just a buzzword you hear at your vet's office; it's a condition that could impact your dog's health and happiness for the rest of their lives. Every dog, from the tiniest Chihuahua to the towering Great Dane, is at risk of heartworm disease. Geography plays a role, with areas having high mosquito popula...

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A Veterinarian’s Breakdown of Cat Heartworm

A Veterinarian’s Breakdown of Cat Heartworm


As veterinarians, we see a wide range of health concerns in our feline friends. One potential threat often overlooked by cat owners is heartworm disease. While less common in cats than dogs, heartworm infection still poses a serious health risk. Understanding the prevalence of this disease in cats, along with the importance of p...

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Senior Dog Care: A Focus on Silver Snouts and Aging Dog Wellness

Senior Dog Care: A Focus on Silver Snouts and Aging Dog Wellness


As our loyal companions enter their golden years, their care needs evolve, and as a dedicated veterinarian, I'm here to guide you through this journey. Aging is a natural process, and with it comes changes that may affect your dog's health, behavior, and overall quality of life. But fear not, with the right support and care, you...

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Filter Failure: What Happens When a Pet’s Kidneys Can't Keep Up

Filter Failure: What Happens When a Pet’s Kidneys Can't Keep Up

A Guide For Pet Owners Learning About Kidney Disease In Cats And Dogs When we think about vital organs required for life in most animals, the heart may be our first thought. However, there are organs just as important that don’t quite get the same amount of attention, like the kidneys. In our pets, the kidneys filter waste, bal...

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Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats: Health Risks and Benefits

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats: Health Risks and Benefits


The decision of whether to keep a cat indoors or let it explore outdoors is something that cat owners have debated for years. Some believe that cats are happiest when they have the freedom to roam, while others prioritize safety and longevity by choosing to keep their felines indoors. But what’s truly best for your cat? In this...

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